What Grandma Used to Say About Leg Cramps and Running Cramps
Grandma's Cures for running cramps and leg cramps . . . Grandma believed that placing a bar of soap between the bed sheets at night would rid a person of leg cramps. How or why this works remains a mystery today, but many people say it does.
While I'm not so sure about this - I do know that a common sense approach works - here's a few of the tips and tactics from The Ultimate Cramp Busting Guide:
* Prevent fatigue - modify your training habits and maximize you energy intake.
* Improve Your Hydration - if you drink only when you're thirsty, it's too late - especially in hot climates.
* Improve your nutrition in terms of electrolyte minerals and natural sugars and eliminating processed and fast food.
* Improve your stretching and flexibility training
* Alternative treatment techniques - especially accupuncture and pressure points and massage have produced remarkable results.
For more detailed information, click here for The Ultimate Cramp Busting Guide - permnanent relief from the pain of running cramps and leg cramps is just a click away.
Copyright - Paul Newland & Running-Cramp-Relief.com
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