Help with Running Cramps

Running cramps, particularly running calf cramps, afflict everyone from the person going out for a morning jog, to elite athletes. And it's not just runners that get cramps they can be a factor in any sport - tennis, swimming, golf, cycling and triathlon. This site is dedicated to sharing ideas and information between sports people, athletes, health practitioners, anyone who enjoys training - for the best ways to prevent, avoid and treat muscle cramp.

Friday, November 24, 2006

6 Eating Rules to Prevent Running Cramps

If you suffer running cramps there may be a way you can literally eat your way to good health and avoid getting a leg cramp each time you exercise.

Here's some tips that may help:

  1. Eat enough and eat often - at least 5 meals per day - this includes between meal snacks. To do this properly you will need to plan ahead the night before - heres some ideas: prepare packs of nuts, bags of fruit, left overs from the evening meal, make a whey shake, make sandwiches, pack some vegetables and make salads, can of tuna or salmon can go a long way.
  2. Eat carbohydrates - you need carbohydrates for energy. Choose more complex carbohydrates (low GI) as opposed to refined carbohydrates (cakes, biscuits, muffins etc).
  3. Drink lots of water - hydration is one way you can prevent running cramps. Water is also needed for the release of energy from carbohydrates and helps keep the body and muscles cooler.
  4. Choose lean sources of protein - protein provides sustained energy and aids muscle repair and growth.
  5. Eat a balanced diet - a good guide to proportions is about 60% carbohydrate, 20% protein and 20% fat. Make sure you consume at least 5-7 servings per day of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit. If you train for more than 2 and a half hours each day you may need to increase this.
  6. Eat Healthy - always chhose natural and nutrient-rich foods over junk foods. Junk food is loaded with harmful free radicals, trans-fatty acids, preservatives, food chemicals and rancid fats - all of which slow, inhibit or even deprive the delivery of nutrients to the muscles.
  7. Supplements can help - if you exercise regularly and work regular hours, you may need to supplement your diet so you get adequate amounts of minerals (particularly the major minerals of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Copper etc), vitamins and essential fatty acids. If you think you exercise a lot and get everything you need from the food you eat, you are kidding yourself. Click here for more help with supplements.

The Ultimate Cramp Busting Guide has several chapters devoted to nutrition, eating plan and the role of nutrients in preventing running cramps, calf cramps, leg cramps - all types of cramps. we exaplain what minerals and vitamins you need, the role of minerals, vitamins and essential fats in preventing muscle cramps and eating plans that will ensure you are getting adequate amounts of these nutrients.


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