Help with Running Cramps

Running cramps, particularly running calf cramps, afflict everyone from the person going out for a morning jog, to elite athletes. And it's not just runners that get cramps they can be a factor in any sport - tennis, swimming, golf, cycling and triathlon. This site is dedicated to sharing ideas and information between sports people, athletes, health practitioners, anyone who enjoys training - for the best ways to prevent, avoid and treat muscle cramp.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Cramps when it's cool?

Los Angeles Dodgers : News : Los Angeles Dodgers News

Yes - it is possible! When it's cool, you often don't realize how much you are sweating - as this baseball player finds out - he often cramps up when the conditions are cool as he doesn't take on board the same amount of fluids as when it's hot.

So even if it's a cold, windy day - do remember to take on fluids and hydrate correctly otherwise you can be caught out with cramps . . .


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