Training to Prevent Running Cramps
Training to Prevent Running Cramps
Great article looking at different things you can incorporate in your training program to help your muscles get strong and prevent cramps
Running cramps, particularly running calf cramps, afflict everyone from the person going out for a morning jog, to elite athletes. And it's not just runners that get cramps they can be a factor in any sport - tennis, swimming, golf, cycling and triathlon. This site is dedicated to sharing ideas and information between sports people, athletes, health practitioners, anyone who enjoys training - for the best ways to prevent, avoid and treat muscle cramp.
Training to Prevent Running Cramps | Outdoors
Don't rush to race after pregnancy
In the playoff series for any code of sport it's common to read about leg cramps, muscle cramps, the effects of heat and dehydration and different approaches to fluid and energy intake.
Muscle Cramps: Dont Cramp Your Style - Runners World
Dealing with Leg Cramps - Appliance of science replaces gruelling summer slog
The most common feedback I get from my leg cramps clients who have read The Ultimate Cramp Busting Guide is the amount of 'injury time' they save.
Research shows that an intake of about 200 calories per hour will boost performance.
Does Running On The Sand Give You Leg Cramps?
A good article on race preparation
An interesting article on the fluid requirements for Tour riders says the following: